Initially, we will be supporting a hospice in Sambir, near the city of Lviv, and a community palliative care team in Kyiv.
It is difficult for hospices in Ukraine to purchase the equipment they so desperately need. We will be purchasing enough equipment to last until Christmas 2023, and will be distributing to each hospice on our upcoming visit.
CLICK HERE for info about our Trustee visits to Ukraine
buys 1 warm blanket
buys five bottles of
liquid morphine
buys five fentanyl patches for strong
cancer pain
employs a palliative
care nurse for a day
employs a full-time
nurse for 6 months
Other basic equipment needed:
Diapers for adults
Bed underpads for adults
Glucometers with strips
Anti bedsore mattresses
Toilet chairs
Urine bags
Colostomy bags
Syringes 2.0; 10.0 ml
NG tubes and syringes for feeding
Ventilator masks ( for SIPAP or BiPAP)