What we do
Initiatives and Projects
Hospice Ukraine’s three founders bring together a valuable mix of skills and expertise to support the provision of terminal health care in Ukraine. They are a practising NHS palliative care doctor (Rachel Clarke), a retired NHS neurosurgeon with over 30 years charitable experience in Ukraine training surgeons and operating on patients (Henry Marsh) and a local Ukrainian neurosurgeon (Andrii Myzak) who has extensive links with the medical communities in two of Ukraine’s largest cities, Kyiv and Lviv, including with palliative care doctors.
Their combined expertise enables Hospice Ukraine to provide terminal health care via three main mechanisms:
1. Supporting, developing and advocating for the delivery of palliative care services in Ukraine by providing grants to local hospices or to other organisations or individuals in Ukraine engaged in the provision of palliative care
2. Funding and/or delivering or facilitating training (either alone or in partnership with other organisations) for palliative care professionals in Ukraine, to support and enable them to provide effective palliative care locally.
3. The improvement and extension of hospices in Ukraine as the trustees may from time to time in their absolute discretion think fit. After carrying out due diligence checks Rachel Clarke and Henry Marsh visited Kyiv and Lviv for a week in October 2022 in order to meet doctors and organisations locally and evaluate their credentials. Together with neurosurgeon Andrii Myzak, they have identified a Kyiv-based medical charity called Svoyi as Hospice Ukraine’s first potential local partner.
Ukraine is in desperate need of medical equipment. With your generous donations we will be able to purchase pain relief patches, continence aids, adult and child nappies and other medical equipment for Sambir Hospice in Lviv and The Community Palliative Care team providing hospice at home for patients in Kyiv.
Our aim is to provide training for palliative care professionals in Ukraine via on the ground help from Hospice Ukraine founder Dr Rachel Clarke, to support and enable them to provide effective palliative care locally.
Our partners
Our first two local partners are Kyiv based medical charity Svoyi, founded in 2014 as a fund to help victims of Russian aggression, and Sambir Hospice in Lviv.